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Squatting drill with Heero

Squatting like the professionals - eat, drink and work in this position, or simply use it as a small full body workout. You can even jump!

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Pt 1: Qi Gong with Klaus

Qi Gong for every day, with Bagua and Qi Gong expert Klaus-Günther Beck-Ewerhardy from Germany.

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Planking with Jürgen Sensei

A special approach to "Makiwara planking" - now updated with a little second step.

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Martial Yoga with Bec

Exercise suggestions: Yoga for martial artists.

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Playtime with Sandro Sensei

Sandro Sensei, Master Circle Member from Germany, presents a teacup flow. Motor skill training, fun, the occasional mistake (try to spot it in the video!) and good posture.

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Conditioning drill with Arto

Arto's martial fitness lessons are famous for sweat and fun. Here a short combination to start your day off the right way.

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Upper body training with Kihon

Different Kihon techniques working the upper body.

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Plank drill with Sensei Arto

Quick idea trigger.

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Functional training with Sensei Carsten

Quick idea trigger.

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Warm up combinations with Sensei Sandro

Quick idea trigger.

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