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Principles of stances

Principles and methods of Karate stances with Sensei Jorge.

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Tai Sabaki

Exercises for stepping and moving.

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Age Uke/Otoshi/Uraken

A combination from Sandan Cycle of the Manchester Syllabus

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Combination Age Uke Otoshi Uke Uraken

An interesting combination that supports change of height and the work with weight shifts.

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Application oriented Kihon

A few kihon ideas with Sensei Jürgen

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Block Drill Nana Kumite

One person Kihon of traditional blocks, basis for the Nana Kihon Kumite of the Manchester Syllabus.

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Mae Geri - Learning and practicing

Learn and train the Front Kick.

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Soto Uke - technique and combinations

Soto Uke is a very common technique in most Karate styles and part of our Shodan Cycle. Here also as combination with other techniques.

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Knife drill: Renzoku Waza

Handle with care: Knife fighting routines are always dangerous ... and we prefer to see knives off of the streets. So handle with care what is introduced here.

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Kakie Waza: Manchester concept

Sensei Heero shows his approach to Kakie Waza training.

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